This is how the police solved the robbery case in Pragati Maidan Tunnel, 5 people arrested -aabtak24


Delhi Loot Case: In Pragati Maidan area of ​​Delhi, five accused have been arrested by the police in connection with the robbery by stopping a car at an underpass. According to police sources, the mastermind of the robbery was living in a rented room in Burari area along with his accomplices. Just a day before the robbery, all the accused were having a liquor party in that room. 

During the liquor party, a bullet was accidentally fired from an accused and a person got shot, after which his companions took him to the hospital for treatment. During this, he also took with him the Apache bike which he had used to carry out the robbery. The accomplices of the accused went back after getting him admitted to the hospital.

How did the police uncover the Pragati Maidan robbery

After the CCTV of the robbery went viral, a policeman posted at Burari police station recognized the Apache bike of the robbers which they had brought to the hospital. That policeman was present in the hospital at that time. After which the CCTV footage of the hospital was searched, it was found that the boy was with the injured who had been admitted to the hospital a day earlier after being accidentally shot, after which the police interrogated him and accepted that Pragati Maidan Tunnel The robbery was done by his accomplices, after which the police unearthed the incident of robbery. Police has arrested 5 accused in this case. 

22 seconds of CCTV footage shows that four miscreants riding two motorcycles chase a cab and stop it at the underpass. It can also be seen in the video that as soon as the cab stops, the miscreants on the back seat of both the motorcycles get down and take out their guns.  One of the assailants then flees to the driver’s seat of the cab while the other proceeds to the back door.

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