‘Need to deal with instigators of violence’, Jaishankar bluntly to Canada on Khalistan supporters -aabtak24


S Jaishankar In Jakarta: Foreign Minister S Jaishankar met Canadian Foreign Minister Milani Jolly and raised the issue of Khalistan in front of her. The Foreign Ministers of the two countries met on the sidelines of the ASEAN Regional Forum meeting on Friday (July 14) in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. Foreign Minister Jaishankar insisted on dealing strictly with the instigators of violence and ensuring the safety of Indian diplomats in Canada. Apart from this, Dr. Jaishankar also met with Chinese diplomat Wang Yi and discussed issues related to the border dispute. 

After meeting with Jolly, Jaishankar tweeted, "Met Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Jolly in Jakarta and discussed Indo-Pacific region and our economic cooperation." He further wrote, underlining the importance of ensuring the safety of our diplomats and the need to deal firmly with situations that incite violence. 

Pro-Khalistan activities intensify in Canada

In recent days, the activities of Khalistan supporters have increased in Canada. Several incidents related to pro-Khalistan separatists have come to the fore in Canada in the last few months where Indian establishments  and diplomats were targeted. Recently, Khalistan supporters in Canada had spread posters online, in which it was written to harm Indian diplomats by marking them. 

India had raised this issue before Canada, after which Canada assured India of the safety of diplomats. India has told its partner countries like Canada, Britain and America not to allow extremist Khalistani ideology to grow and its growth is not good for relations.

Discussing the border dispute with Wang Yi

India’s military deadlock with China has remained for almost three years. In June 2020, there was violence between the soldiers of the two countries in Galvan in eastern Ladakh, in which 20 Indian soldiers were martyred. During this, Chinese soldiers were also killed.  Jaishankar has claimed that the military standoff with China is the most complex challenge of his long diplomatic career. 

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