Tamil Nadu Suicide Attempt News: A shocking case has come to light from Thiruvarur district of Tamil Nadu. Here, a man tried to commit self-immolation after demanding bribe from the officials of the Municipal Corporation and not giving the payment. Municipal commissioner S Kumarimanan allegedly doused himself with petrol inside the Koothanallur municipality office when JCB owner Vijayaraghavan did not clear his dues.
The municipality hired VijayRaghavan’s JCB to complete several projects in the last four months. He allegedly owed Rs one lakh to the officials. They were constantly asking the municipality to clear the dues. When Vijayaraghavan approached the Municipal Commissioner to demand his dues, the officials asked him to pay a bribe of Rs 25,000.
Complaint was made to the Ombudsman
Vijayaraghavan then complained to the Lokpal, the local body of Tamil Nadu, who investigated the complaint. The Lokpal found that the Municipal Commissioner had asked for a bribe. The Tamil Nadu Local Bodies Ombudsman also directed that Vijayaraghavan should be paid his dues along with interest. However, the JCB owner was not given his money even after this. According to India Today, when Vijayaraghavan went to ask for his money on Friday (June 9), he was manhandled by the officials.
< p style ="text-align: justify;">Demonstrated in the municipality office
He then started protesting at the Koothanallur Municipality office along with his family. Meanwhile, Vijayaragavan sprinkled petrol on himself. However, he was immediately stopped by the people present there. Municipal commissioner Kumarimannan has been suspended following the incident.
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