Defense Project: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has given permission to remove and transplant trees that are obstructing the construction of new defense projects in Delhi. Due to these trees, the construction work is getting affected. The Delhi government had received a proposal from the construction agency to allow the removal and transplantation of 214 trees to clear the project site. CM Kejriwal has cleared the way for the construction of the project by approving the proposal. The CM has approved the proposal of the construction agency with the condition of planting 2140 new saplings instead of 214 trees as per the guidelines made keeping in view the protection of the environment.
Actually, due to a patch of trees, there is a hindrance in the construction work of the site. Due to this, the construction agency had written a letter to the Environment and Forest Department of Delhi Government. Through the letter, permission was sought to remove and transplant 214 trees to clear the site. On this, considering the importance of modern infrastructure for the defense forces, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has agreed to expedite the work by clearing the patch of trees in the national interest.
‘Delhi government in favor of national interest’
CM Kejriwal said, "Delhi government has always been in favor of national interest. With the completion of this project, the force will get a lot of convenience. The Delhi government will always provide all possible help to the force." He said that we are actively ensuring that modern development does not adversely affect Delhi and has made it mandatory to plant trees 10 times to compensate for any trees that may be affected.
Not to harm other trees
Planting trees ten times mandatory
Delhi government has made it mandatory for the agency to plant ten times the number of trees instead of removing and transplanting trees. In such a situation, instead of removing 2,14 trees, it will plant 2,140 new saplings. These saplings will be planted at the identified place, which will be planted within 3 months from the date of issue of permission to move the trees. According to the proposal approved by the Delhi government, in lieu of removal and transplantation of trees, saplings of different species adapted to the soil and climate of Delhi will be planted. These include plants of other species including Neem, Amaltas, Peepal, Pilkhan, Gular, Banyan, Desi Keekar and Arjun.
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