India’s activation in clean energy revolution and mission innovation, net zero emission target by 2070 -aabtak24


Clean Energy Mission Innovation: India is taking rapid steps towards clean energy revolution. Under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s initiative ‘Mission Innovation’, along with India, the rest of the world is also making continuous efforts regarding clean energy.

India has decided to achieve the goal of net zero emissions by 2070 and international cooperation will play an important role in achieving this goal. Union Minister of State for Science and Technology Jitendra Singh has emphasized that we all have a collective responsibility to work together for a more secure and sustainable future. The ever-increasing challenges of climate change are beyond the control of a single country, organization, company or any individual effort.

Union Minister Jitendra Singh said these things during the website and logo launch event of the joint 8th Mission Innovation Ministerial (MI-8) and 14th Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM-14) on 25 May. 

India to host MI-8 in July

India will jointly host MI-8 with CEM-14. MI-8 is to be organized from 19 to 21 July. The Mission Innovation Ministerial will see the participation of ministers and heads of delegation from MI member states, the European Union and international organizations, as well as high-level invitees representing key stakeholders from industry, research, academia, civil organizations and the world’s innovators. The focus of this year’s ministerial conference is ‘advancing the research and development continuum towards experimental demonstration on clean energy technologies’.

Union minister Jitendra Singh says hosting the annual ministerial meeting of MI will be key in turning India’s ambitious clean energy commitments into action while ensuring energy security and access.

Mission Innovation Initiative Prime Minister Narendra Modi‘s vision of national aspiration on India’s climate action. This is called the Panchamrit, which was outlined during the COP26 summit on climate change to be held in Glasgow in November 2021.

India has set some goals under the Panchamrit Action Plan, which are as follows:

  • Taking India’s non-fossil fuel energy capacity to 500 gigawatts (GW) by 2030
  • Meeting 50% of energy needs through renewable energy by 2030
  • Reduce carbon emissions by 1 billion tonnes by 2030
  • Reduce carbon intensity by 45% by 2030
  • Achieve net zero emissions target by 2070
Mission Innovation from the vision of PM Modi

Mission Innovation (MI) is a global initiative of 23 countries and the European Commission (on behalf of the European Union). The term ‘Mission Innovation’ is derived from the vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Mission Innovation is making progress towards accelerating the clean energy revolution and reaching the Paris Agreement goals and Net Zero. India was one of the founding members of Mission Innovation. Mission Innovation’s core objective is to spur a decade of action and investment in research, development and demonstration to make clean energy affordable, attractive and accessible to all.

Phase 1 of Mission Innovation announced in 2015

The first phase of the  Mission Innovation (2015-2020) was announced on 30 November 2015 at the COP-21 summit on climate change in Paris. At this time, all the world leaders had gathered in Paris for ambitious efforts to deal with climate change. Now all the member countries are making efforts and in 5 years i.e. from 2020 to 2025 government funding on clean energy research, development and demonstration should be doubled. Along with this, emphasis should also be given on increasing international and private sector participation, cooperation and investment in programs on clean energy research, development and demonstration.

India has been a significant participant in the first phase of Mission Innovation. India has done several things in this phase:

  • Leaded three MI innovation challenges namely Smart Grid, Off Grid Access to Electricity and Sustainable Biofuels
  • Announced funding opportunities in identified innovation challenge areas
  • Global Cooling Contributed financially and technically to the award
  • Made two MI Champions
  • Hosted several workshops for analysis and joint research group, innovation challenges and MI 2.0 development meetings

Phase II of Mission Innovation

After a successful 5-year run of the first phase and recognizing the critical need for clean energy investments to accelerate innovations, the second phase of Mission Innovation (MI 2.0) was launched on June 2, 2021. MI 2.0 focuses on the Decade of Action (2021-2030) and on scaling up the use of new clean energy technologies and making clean energy affordable, attractive and accessible to all. This will help in achieving the goals set for the Paris Agreement and Net Zero. Union Minister Jitendra Singh also informed that a series of missions and innovation platforms have been launched to accelerate innovations and reduce the cost of technologies through public-private action in areas critical to global clean energy transmission.

India’s participation in the second phase of Mission Innovation

Actively partnering with key members and partners to achieve the ambitious climate and energy goals set for the second phase of mission innovation. Under this, India is co-leading the Integrated Biorefineries Mission. Also, India is a member of the Clean Hydrogen Mission. We are an important member as a support for the Green Powered Future Mission. India is also a core group member of the Zero-Emission Shipping Mission and the Urban Transition Mission. Apart from this, India is very active as a member of the Support Group for the Carbon Dioxide Removal Mission.

India also has a lot of contribution in the innovation platform under Mission Innovation. India leads Mi Clean Tech Exchange. Also co-leads innovation communities on affordable heating and cooling of buildings and innovation for sustainable aviation fuels. India is a member of the Mission Innovation Steering Committee and Technical Advisory Group and provides necessary resources to the Mission Innovation Secretariat. It is clear from this that India’s participation in Mission Innovation, a global initiative to promote clean energy, is at every level. 

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