MoE Report On School Education: According to a report released by the Ministry of Education on Sunday (July 9), all the nine districts of Delhi in the ‘excellent’ category in school education during 2020-21. While Kollam and Thiruvananthapuram of Kerala have been said to be the best performers during this period. It was followed by Kannur and Thrissur districts.
The Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Education, on Sunday released the report based on the Performance Ranking Index (PGI-D) of the districts for 2020-21 and 2021-22. This report prepares an index for the purpose of comprehensive analysis. Assesses the performance of the school education system at the district level.
No district ranked in the two highest grade categories
The performance of the districts has been classified under the ‘Very Good’ category, which is the third best category of PGI-D. No district has found place in the two highest grade categories – ‘Daksh’ and ‘Utkarsh’. Most of the best performing districts are from Rajasthan (26) followed by Gujarat (22) and Punjab (19). All nine districts of Delhi are in the ‘excellent’ category.
The Performance Ranking Index (PGI-D) of the districts has been prepared by including 83-indicators to rank the performance of all the districts in school education. In this, the data is filled by the districts through online portal.
What accounts for the performance ranking index of the districts?
It is expected that the PGI-D will help state education departments to identify deficiencies at the district level and improve their performance in a decentralized manner. Under the PGI-D, districts are classified into 10 categories with the highest category being ‘proficient’ for districts scoring more than 90 per cent marks in that category or in aggregate.
‘Utkarsh’ category is for districts scoring between 81-90 per cent, followed by ‘Very-Excellent’ (71-80 per cent), ‘Excellent’ (61-70 per cent), ‘Prachesta-A’ (51 -60 percent), ‘Pracheshta-II’ (41-50 percent) and ‘Pracheshta III’ (31-40 percent) category. The lowest grade in PGI-D is called ‘Akanshi-three’ which accounts for marks up to 10 per cent of the total marks.