Waqf Board evicted Ahmadiyya Muslims from Muslim society, Center reprimanded -aabtak24


Andhra Pradesh News: The Waqf Board in Andhra Pradesh has evicted Ahmadiyya Muslims from the Muslim community. This decision has been given on the basis of a fatwa issued by an Islamic body. 

As soon as this information was received, the Central Government also came into action and by writing a letter to the Chief Secretary of the State Government, it has strongly reprimanded the Waqf Board of the State. Along with this, the Waqf Board was also informed about their rights.

What is the whole matter?

Actually, on July 20, Ahsan Ghori of Ahmadiyya Muslim Samaj had submitted a complaint letter to the Ministry of Minority Affairs of the Central Government. In the letter, he said that the Andhra Pradesh Waqf Board has issued an order on the basis of a fatwa by a Jamaitul Ulema, ordering his samaj to be excluded from the Muslim community. 

Central government reprimanded 

Ahsan Gauri said that on February 3, the Ahmadiyya Muslim community was declared infidel by the Andhra Pradesh Waqf Board referring to the fatwa of Jamaitul Ulema and issued an order to them to be non-Muslims, which is illegal. On this, the central government reprimanded the Andhra Pradesh Waqf Board.

The Minorities Ministry of the Central Government has written a letter to the Chief Secretary of the Government of Andhra Pradesh, clearly stating that the State Waqf Board does not have the right to issue fatwas to exclude any community from Islam. How can the Waqf Board put official stamp on a fatwa issued by a social organization? 

Who are Ahmadiyya Muslims?

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